Master Classes for Young Talents

From 4th to 6th of March 2020 in Freiburg

After the master classes for young talents met with an extremely positive response in previous years, this year for the fourteenth time musically highly gifted children and young people will be given the opportunity to establish early contact with an internationally highly respected university of music with renowned artistic personalities. The artistic development of the young musicians, also in contact with their instrumental teachers, can thus be accompanied continuously over several years. Active participation in the master class includes at least two lessons each as well as the opportunity for a consultation. Selected participants present themselves in a final concert, thus documenting not only their success, but also that of their training institution or teacher.

Teaching staff

Prof. Simone Zgraggen, Violine

Prof. Christoph SischkaPiano



The registration deadline is 11 February 2020

Welcome/Commencement: Friday, 4 March 2020, 2 p.m.

Final concert: Sunday, 6 March 2020, 11 a.m.



Please send the registration form with a short curriculum vitae and an indication of the works intended for the course to Freiburg University of Music. Please also enclose a copy of your deposit slip.

Freiburg University of Music - Concert Office
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Platz 1
79102 Freiburg
Tel.: +49 761 31915-54, Mrs. Kiourti

Contribution towards expenses

Active participants: 100 Euro
Passive participation is possible for interested persons and free of charge.

Please transfer the contribution towards expenses to the following account:
Recipient: Landesoberkasse Baden-Württemberg
Account No.: 749 55301 02
Baden-Württemberg Bank Karlsruhe
BANK CODE: 600 501 01
IBAN: DE02 6005 0101 7495 5301 02
Important: Please indicate "Kassenzeichen 8681660003175" as the purpose of payment.

In case of illness of the participant, half of the fee will be refunded after written cancellation at least four days before the beginning of the master classes.

More Information here (pdf) (this file is not barrier-free)